Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Like really? *Truth Project.

Ok so i have been attending this Truth project.
And I kinda like it.
There are some fucked up things.
All i ever see is how closed minded Christians are.
They really have this like stone set of good, bad, right, wrong.
Its whack.
And even though this video thing is suppoed to show both the Christian and Non-Christian view points, they don't.
They show the Non-Christain side as they percieve it.
So if they think its so flawed, then it will be because thats all they want to see.
Whats worse is I think only Jessica and I can see that its unfair.
Everyone else sits there and takes it.
Not even questioning it.
Fuck if someone re wrote the Bible saying to go to Heaven you had to kill yourself on your 65th birthday, they would!
They just accept it.
It could be a cult.
Maybe it is?
Someone mentioned how wrong abortion is.
I was upset at that.
I think abortion is wrong, but its a choice someone else has to live with.
And what if someone was raped and beaten?
Then found out she was pregnant with that monsters child?
I wouldn't want it in me.
I would have to abort it.
But if your just carelessly having sex and get knocked up, then i think to abort a life becuase you fucked up, is wrong.
And then Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
If you believe that your good, then you will be.
If in your heart you know your a good person then your actions will show it.
(Maslow studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass rather than mentally ill or neurotic people, writing that "the study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy.") -'s_hierarchy_of_needs
And if you really look at it, it makes alot of sense.
So to bash it, is lame.
I wish they could really open their minds.
I wish i had the balls to say so.
Maybe i will next time.
But i doubt it

FAILTACULAR: a fail so epic its almost a win.

That is my day.
Woke up late.
But still made it to school in time for one great big hug from Layne.
And since he didnt expect to see me, I made him smile.
I Worked hard in gym class,
then I went to set the ball for Rosey to spike it, and fucked my thumb up.
Which I dont know why, but it made me feel nauseous.
So my math teacher didnt make me do anything, other than write the quiz quick.
And now I feel special because I actually have plans for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow is my moms birthday, so were going to hang out and watch E.R (Only five more episodes *tear*) and then CSI guest starring Taylor Swift, its supossed to be reeeaaalllllyyy good.
Friday=Teen Night! With Layne and Steph and hopfully Kerry. Plus anyone else who decides to go.
Saturday Afternoon: Either shopping with Jessica K, or watching Saw 5 with my dad.
Satuday night= Lloyds with Jess.
Sunday= Church
Sunday evening= Spending time with Layne.
Monday= Going to training with Layne. (Which I am seriously stoked for! May have to bring either Jess or Steph, apperantly someone on his team was going to go to grad with him, and now he has asked me, so yeah. Shes apparently not to happy. So I need some back up so i dont feel like a total dolt.)