Tuesday, April 7, 2009


OK so me and him were discussing the greatest things in the world.
We agreed monkeys and babies and cheese were top three.
But we argued about the Fourth spot.
He think I'm the greatest, but i think he is.
So then i came up with a compromise, that we both were.
But then he said that my name should go first. And I replied with...
"Lol Rawr!
No way. You name does and im not budging on this one "

And so he said
"Well RAWR back..

Lies!!!! You're definatly the best Sam. Hands down, curtains closed. <3 <3"

So rather then argure I replied,
Hmm, you know what? I've never been one for conforming to lists anyways.
So I'm throwing it in a fish tank.
Like pft... who needs lists anyways?"

And then him, in all his sweetness said,
xD Youre awesome hahahaha!!!!!!!

But you're right though, screw lists. Best, Greatest, Most.. They're all just labels.

You amaze me beyond a point where it can be summed up into a label. Its infinite. :love:

At which point i burst in to tears because he is just so amazing.
And so sweet.