Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My asshole (soon to be ex) boyfriend

Hi Sam

i really cant talk to you right now.

you couldnt tell me the truth

you lied

i dont care you cheated

but i cant stand the fact that you lied

cheating means nothing next to lying

if you cared about me you could have told me the truth

i would have understood

I was going to tell you. I was afriad that if I told you having not seen me in a while you would leave me

i really would have

i spent the entire time away from you missing you

im not that fickle

its the fact you lied

I should have told you immediately

I feel horrible about the whole thing

I don't know what else I can do but promise to never lie to you again

You already know I'll never cheat again

No i dont know that. Because i have heard that more times than i can count. And every time i get burned. Im not as stupid as i used to be. i've learned alot by going through some of the things i have. And one thing i know is once a cheater always a cheater

so be honest about one thing and please tell me who it was

Her name's Amanda. I know her through her brother. I fixed his bike on day. She and I had been friends with benefits for a few months before you and I started dating. I hadn't seen or talked to her since we started dating, and all of a sudden she shows up at my house. She asked me to take a walk with her in that "I think I'm pregant" kinda way. Not mine, I never did her.


well you told me that part today

thanks for leaving the imporant part out.

We walked to a park and she asked if we could sit down. I was wearing sweats and going commando, and before I knew it she was blowing me after telling me she thought she might be pregnant with her boyfriends kid


I was stupid and gave in

thats is the understatmeant of the year