Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nothing makes me smile more than having my head in the toilet all day.

So I'm not going swimming friday,
I'm going saturday, till about five, then me and Jess are going skating till midnight.
Swimming opens at like 8am so we shall probably go early.
And its like a mini birthday thing.
So I'm excited.
I mean since my birthday is on Tuesday.
(Yay Sweet Sixteen)
I really dont do birthdays anymore.
I always try to make big plans,
but then I always turn to something small.
Last three years its been just a few small friends skating.
Now I'm going swimming and skating.
I've invited a few other people, but everyone seems to have plans.
But thats ok.
I dont need alot of people around me.
I'm happy with Jessica, since she's like my best friend ever!
So i'm glad I can still chill with her.