Sunday, March 1, 2009

Umm ok.

Wow, i really hope that wasnt refering to me.
If he really thinks that i hate him that much, then maybe i should give him what he asks for.
I'm not avoiding youth, or church.
I love going to much to do that, even if i was mad at him.
Because i spent one firday chilling out with my boyfriend, suddenly I'm not going because of him?
Thats bull.
Whoever wrote that, no offense, doesnt know me that well.
Because anyone who knew me well would know that no one will prevent me from doing what I like.
Besides, i dont hate him.
But Layne turns 18 in april, so I plan to continue going to teen night with him.
But I do plan to go back to the mustard seed, the second week of march, and i want to bring him bowling march 20th.
And then after that who knows what will happen.


I love how He is the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep,
and how he is the first thing on my mind when I wake up.
Even if we dont really talk all day, we still always say good night, and good morning.
I doubt he knows how much it makes my day.
I hope he feels the same.