Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ok so i missed one period.
I actually made it back for my last class.
So i'm happy were in the computer lab.
=) Calm is so boring sometimes. I'm glad i can waste it on here.
So I bought this cute black and purple bustier.
I changed my mind on the teddie, for now.
And they had shirts on sale, so i bought this cute quarter-sleeve black thing.
Its got the Batman symbol on it, i love it.
And then some cute make up i can't wait to try,
along with make up brushes.
It was nice having money to spend.
I sold one of my batons, so I had money in my pockets.
Plus I have enough left over for smokes.
Lol I'm sure a certain friend of mine will be happy.
She doesn't smoke. But she loves to inhale my second hand smoke.
Which makes me think she just needs to start smoking.
Seeing how secondhand smokers dont have a filter.
!!! Its taking all my will power not to smoke my dads cuban.
Its just sitting there.
But grounded for life doesn't sound to appealling.

ps. The Dark Knight, is quite possibly the best movie ever.
I wish i didnt care about you.
I wish I could turn my back and heart on you.
But I can't.
Because I'm not you.

Hmm, Bullet through the head or heart?